Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ben's room

Right now, Ben loves his changing table, and we love that it has drawers. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Like father like son

Wait a minute....why is he getting the nap?

Monday, February 20, 2006

First bath pics

Only tasteful pictures of course...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Ben's Exercise Video

Ben is flexing his muscles in anticipation of his 1 month birthday tomorrow. See his new video HERE.

More proof that he is advanced for his age...or more parental bragging

He is smiling, and no, it isn't gas.

More head lifting...

What these pictures don't show, is that shortly after this he rolled over on to his back assisted only by gravity.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

What a strong boy...

Ben held his head up for about 3 minutes straight, though he did start to look like a bobblehead doll by the end. He also straightened his legs and was able to push his body up off of mine...he's almost crawling!
 Posted by Picasa

Pics with grandparents

Nana and Grampa

Mimi and GP


Friday, February 03, 2006

Status Check

Not to be outdone by his California cousins, Ben has added a new trick to his repertoire. In addition to holding up his head for over 5 seconds, filling 3 diapers at one changing, and once sleeping for 5 hours straight, he has now added projectile vomiting over a foot. We are so proud! But sorry, no pictures of this one.