Tuesday, January 31, 2006

You tell us...

Is it red? blonde? or brown?

Monday, January 30, 2006

Ben conducts...

Ben loves music and thinks he might like to be a conductor when he grows up. Or, Joe Cocker.
Click Here To watch...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Growing boy...

When we left the hospital a week ago, he was weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz, after having lost almost an entire pound. We had some concerns about his weight at that time, but no longer. At the doctor's appointment a mere 36 hours later, he was already back up to 9 lbs 2 oz. We then had a follow up appointment 2 days later, and he was back up to near his birth weight, 9 lbs 12 oz with clothes and before the next big poopie diaper. I guess his feedings are going well. It will be interesting to see what he weighs at the 2 week doctor appointment.

day 1: Check out the chub...

Day 7: Dressing to look slimmer...

Day 11: No picture, but he now is tipping the scales at over 10 lbs.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Day In His Life...

He likes his sleep...

but he doesn't like having his picture taken...

and later....more time to sleep...

but don't try to take any more pictures...

and finally, pondering - perhaps with some concern, what this is all about...

Here he is...

One week old and making himself right at home....